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Now this is a funny one. Here you could enter up to two sims, and you had to pick a different sin for each one to represent. It was a battle after that to get past the applications, with each sim in the same category competing for progress. I chose my two - and neither made it.

I still had ideas though, and at first submitted them in the story section on Insim, under the title "Fallen Angels". Then I got a PM from the host saying the sim for Sloth (one I'd gone for) had dropped out, and would I be up for filling the void. Needless to say I said yes, and transferred that story to the contest.

Only this contest had a unique arrangement. It relied on each sim staying through to the end, as it was a contest to see which sin won out of the seven. We lost two entrants so the contest finished at round two. Judging took place there and then, and my sim came third.

I'll be posting my other contestant's story too, even though with him the ideas stopped at round one. They both feature in a story I've been working on called Brotherly Love, which you can check out if you like. Just be aware that, since it's too much for SimTales, it won't be promoted by them, and the link to the story will instead sit quietly in the sidebar on my blogs.

Rating: Advanced
Eliminations: See above
Result: See above

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Application - Wrath

Sin: Wrath
Name: Gino Turilli
Age: 42. I don't look it? That's down to a combination of keeping active and being incredibly lucky.

Lucky in looks, unlucky in life. One of my biggest regrets is not finding out I'm gay before getting engaged and having a daughter. Still, now it's water under the bridge. Now I have a different problem, or at least I did when walking in the city one night and ended up getting battered nearly to death. I found out later it was a homophobic witch hunt, and a pride shirt one of my nephews got me as a joke instead served as a trigger...

I often change into "hunting gear" before heading off for my nightly meal...

... which I have mixed feelings about. The scenes I witness every night tear me open, but sucking the life out of those intent on hurting innocent people is so gratifying. Some folk really don't deserve to live.

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